What is Reiki

Reiki is a form of energetic healing that originated in Japan. The recorded history notes that in the early 20th century (March of 1922) Mikao Usui, or Sensei Usui was gifted Reiki energy in meditation on Mount Kurama, which he developed in to the Usui Reiki Ryoho style. However there is research supporting four other styles of Reiki being practiced prior to Sensei Usui’s developed style. More information about the history of Reiki can be found in the book An Evidence Based History of Reiki, or by visiting reiki.org.

The term Rei-Ki comes from the Japanese words Rei- Universal and Ki- life energy. When speaking specifically in terms of Reiki, a deeper interpretation of Rei is Spiritual Wisdom. It is believed that a universal life energy flows through all living beings and this energy can be harnessed to promote spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

Reiki is utilized as a compliment to traditional modalities of personal, medical, spiritual and mental health care. It is a gentle, non-invasive practice that can be beneficial for anyone seeking to improve their overall wellbeing.

It is in no way a replacement of traditional medical, psychiatric, or spiritual practices. Simply a modality that has the ability to compliment traditional practices.

About Me

Welcome to Rooted Rose Reiki! My name is Katy Rose and I am the hands behind this healing practice. I am a Usui Reiki Master, and Animal Reiki Practitioner. As well as a practicing Registered Veterinary Technician for the past 22 years.

Born and raised here in Sonoma County, I have always felt a deep connection to the natural world and its healing energies. My intrigue began in childhood with a profound understanding of the positive effects animals, plants and natural elements had on my physical being. As I grew older I found myself on a quest to find tangible, scientific explanations for these experiences. This lead me down a beautiful path of learning that science and spirit offer an astonishing amount of similarities.

Albert Einstein’s theory of Conservation of Energy states that energy is never created, or destroyed. It only changes form. Similarly the Universal Life Force energy we use in Reiki is never created, it simply exists, adapts and flows where it is needed.

I was introduced to Reiki in 1998 while working at a Spa, where I received my first Reiki treatment. I have continued to receive treatments, and experience profound healing from them throughout the years. Reiki was specifically helpful for me as I started my Veterinary career in 2002 ( and continues to be a valuable source), and navigated grief after a profound loss in 2006.

As I experience the middle part of my life I’m able to recognize how valuable the human-ing, adulting, playing, crying, screaming, laughing, dancing, girl-timing, devastating, grueling, joyfully miserable times of life are. Providing Reiki is a way for me to offer comfort and kindness in this Human Experience.

I received my Reiki I &II Certification in February 2024, Animal Reiki I & II in May 2024, and my Reiki III Master in August 2024. For information on my certification & trainings, contact me to view my Certificates and Lineage Chart.

For additional information about Reiki visit reiki.org.


  • Wear comfortable clothing and try to arrive a few minutes early to become comfortable. There’s no need to bring anything, just an open mind and willingness to receive healing. It is recommended you refrain from any mind altering substances 24 hours prior to you session. All medications should be maintained as prescribed by your doctor.

    You will have an opportunity to let me know about specific preferences, sensitivities, or allergies in the consent form upon scheduling your session.

  • Reiki is always recommended, however if you are undergoing medical treatments or procedures approval from the overseeing medical professional is recommended.

    Additionally, Reiki is not equipped to solely manage mental health disorders or a mental health crisis, and can only be used in addition to professional psychiatric care.

  • While Reiki is spiritual in nature in that it provides love and compassion to the recipient, it is not a religion, nor is it associated with any specific religion. It has no dogma and does not conflict with religious beliefs. People who are followers of all the various religions have practiced Reiki and find that it enhances their religious experience.

  • Yes! Reiki can never cause harm, as it is guided by spiritual consciousness, and not the individual practitioner. This is the beauty of energy work, as the Universal Light that all beings posess is of pure love.

    Reiki can be a beautiful experience for mother and baby, and I especially love the opportunity to witness those experiences in my sessions.

    With the promise of safety, it is crucial for each individual to consider if Reiki is right for them. If you have concerns for the safety of this practice it is required you do not schedule. Instead conduct your own research and reach out to a medical professional for guidance.
